When I first got this bag I was a bit surprised by the size, because it's quite a bit larger than the Trooper that many people use.
I really like the wider straps, they sit further out on my shoulders making it quite comfortable, as well as easier to slip on and off. The large knobby feet on the bag provide great stability when set down on an uneven surface, which is great!
My favorite part overall is the pockets that run up the back of the bag and the sides of the bag. I can carry bug spray, sunscreen, an extra towel, or even an extra shirt without even realizing it's with me. The disc pockets on the back carry the 3-6 discs I am using most often, usually a putter or 2, 2 fairway drivers or mids, and a driver or 2.
The cooler in the bag is great, keeps a 6 pack nice and cold most of the day, although I don't use it very often. I figured for an extra $15, it's worth having. I use the cooler more to bring cold ones over to buddies' houses than on the course. Buy this bag, it will last a long time, provide a great experience, and look nice the whole time!